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3-Bet Pots: Playing From the SB Part 1

By Matt Affleck 1hr 24m 32s · June 8, 2021


  • Radford999
    What is the solver used in this video? The one at 44:00
  • valladolidchristian
    Matt, i saw you and the millionaire maker and caught up w you at break just to thank you in person for your content. Once again thank you for your help
  • Rodrigo Ferreira
    Great class ! Thanks
  • jonesm
    Would be nice to see the BB 3bet webinar someday
  • doug.carter665
    Great stuff - Quite eye opening for me. Why is AAK a high frequency check while AA9 is 0% check?
    • bls82289
      I think it's because we have all of the suited 9s to go along w our Ax
  • kkyle2380
    Great content, you are becoming one of my favorite coach's with this solver work! Love it, thank you!
  • anthony.911coronado
    DOnt understand the question about being more linear with deeper stacks. If you are getting shoved on in smaller BB depths why would i be more polarized instead of linear? If we get to see more flops deep stack wou;dnt polarized be better than linear?
    • Brayden Engel
      If we're polarized, getting 4b shoved on makes our life easy; fold the bluffs and get it in with our premiums. Whereas with deeper stacks we're seeing a flop more often and thus need to get there with stronger, high equity holdings and as Matt mentioned we're able to call a small 4b OOP with suited high card hands due to our great pot odds.
  • szczerbinski.tomasz
    Great idea to work on SB and BB 3b pots play looking forward to next one. Took al lot from this content. Thanks!
  • l.bouguetaia
    Really excellent thanks, very nice to see the training and in depth analysis with the solver next to it. What is the solver you used that is not Pio Solver? Does it include a library and the trainer or are those 2 different modules? Looking forward to the next sessions on this topic very interesting.
  • palamambron
    Looking forward to next week. I pretty much have been playing only 1 size of C bet, and against one or two opponents, I usually hit them with a C bet regardless of the flop. This really works against weak players but many players are very prepared for the C-bet and know they are facing a wide range. I don't want him to be able to take cards out of my hands after the flop (so I bet 1/2 pot on everything). And what happens is, they call with their whole range, So we go to the turn with me holding my whole range and him holding his whole range. I'm really looking for ways to improve and fine-tune my C-bet strategy, and to make and force more meaningful decisions on the flop, even if it means my opponent can isolate my range a little bit. This type of analysis is very helpful.