I cant get enough of these hand histories with my man Tristan! I love the energy and swearing and knowledge. Its all done with love and its entertaining and fun and I always learn a lot watching. I cant get enough of these and am pumped for the live one in about 3 hours!
Pot odds. Pot odds, pot odds, pot odds and a moment of silence for that AQ that hit the muck :)
Sam Ovind
I jumped in my seat when he folded AQo at 40 minutes.
I love Tristan Wade's classes. I'd watch them for entertainment alone but the educational aspect is great too!
pot odds...
This was great and fun
Stephen Heppelstone
@pokercoaching.com - This is what I pay my money for. Education and entertainment. More of this from Tristan please!
Sam Ovind
Are there any more low stakes tournament reviews coming up?
Also.. Just to clarify... It's Pot Odds, right?
Loved it
Forgot to mention that I loved the video!
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