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Defending the Big Blind vs C-Bets

By Matt Affleck 1h 13m 59s · October 14, 2020


  • connordonohoe
    So can we apply this to cash came? We usually play 100BB as standard and from there up, but this is for 40BB <?
    • b.larmond
      I agree. I filtered by "Cash" and this video is on the list, but this video applies more to tournaments then cash if we aren't looking at 100bb+ spots.
  • lwesterbaan
    Hi Matt, Great webinar. Rewatched it now and made a ton of notes. Looking out to learn more about BB strategy. Greetings Luck
    • jeff.hirschey
      Great content & lots of great heuristics: c/r % based on the amount of protection needed by the second pair; c/r with 3 to a flush or 3 to a straight; c/r size increases on lockdown boards; etc. Super helpful to have implementable rules!
  • x5mspoker
    Matt is as great a teacher as he is a player!
  • c.dewar75
    As ever Matt another excellent webinar. I did proper lol at the x/r our entire continuing range on paired boards, thanks again.
  • Pottosaurus
    This is my 1st time actually watching an entire video on pio review as ive found it rather confussing to follow, but your explanations are just so super super crisp and clear! A huge reason why i will continue as a student of this site!!!