love this <3 made a nice profit in my last live session just remembering live is a slower game and focusing on the stacksizes/whats going on in the action helped
Faraz Jaka
awesome glad to hear that Vivian!
Joseph Sylvain
Good stuff. great tip for me was not playing a 'friend' passively. I've only been playing for about 3years and I won't say I play passively but in a roundabout way, I got bluffed because i perceived a player beside me as friendly. And so when he shoved on the river I folded two pair Ks and 9s thinking he is solid. He showed the bluff and I then realized my misperception led to a wrong decision. Further to that, I had started playing tight and he had probably figured that out. In general though when someone shoves I have found my instincts to be bang on and have called quite a number of bluffs strictly on their body language and the way they made the shove, their hand movement etc. In hindsight I also recall noticing that exact hand movement by him and if i had not been distracted by the "friend' feeling I am sure I would have caught it:)
Faraz Jaka
Great to hear those realizations and thank for sharing Joseph!
Cynthia Sharp
Played my first live tournament in a year. I don’t play online, but have played for 15 years and I have been doing stuff on PokerCoaching since January. We chopped 4 ways at the end for an $1800 win on a $110 buy in. The young players were very weak. Good luck everyone. Get out there. Great info, Faraz. Keep up the good work.
Faraz Jaka
Thanks Cynthia, and great win well done!
Cant wait to get back to live poker!
Faraz Jaka
hell yea!
Great stuff
Faraz Jaka
Thanks craig!
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