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TRITON £1 Million Buy-In Tournament Review

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $79.00.

The Triton £1,000,000 review contains my in-depth analysis of some of the most interesting hands from the best players in the world.

The Triton £1,000,000 review contains my in-depth analysis of some of the most interesting hands from the best players in the world, including:

  • How Tom Dwan plays QQ in a 4-bet pot
  • How Nick Petrangelo plays AA from out of position
  • Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates playing middle set on a coordinated board
  • How (not) to Play AK early in a tournament
  • Stephen Chidwick folding a flush vs Sam Trickett
  • Bryn Kenney fighting hard for a 3-bet pot with K9
  • Dan Smith playing AQ in a multiway 3bet pot
  • Jason Koon making a hero call with K high
  • When to turn a made hand into a bluff featuring Sam Greenwood
  • Justin Bonomo bluffing 3 streets from the big blind