Author name: Lee Jones

Lee Jones has been a serious poker player and author for 40 years – he has published over 1,000 strategy articles in print and online. His best-selling limit hold’em primer, Winning Low Limit Hold’em, introduced thousands of players to Texas Hold’em. From 2003 – 2018, Lee was an executive in the poker industry, most of those years as the Cardroom Manager and Head of Poker Communications at PokerStars. During the Covid pandemic, Lee returned to his roots and began a graduate-level study of poker, and is now studying and writing about no-limit hold’em strategy. His main area of interest is making modern poker theory concepts accessible to beginning and intermediate players. After nearly four decades, Lee still loves poker as much as the first time he drew one card and filled an inside straight.

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Seeing the ball in slow motion – AQ flops trips
June 13, 2024 5 min read

Seeing the ball in slow motion – AQ flops trips

What if the entire game slowed down around you? If you’re a baseball fan, you may know that “hitting a pitched baseball represents the biggest challenge in all of sports.” The people who make it […]

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One Year of Great Poker Results  – Draws, Position, and Multi-way Pots
April 25, 2024 11 min read

One Year of Great Poker Results  – Draws, Position, and Multi-way Pots

Here I continue my discussion about specific at-table strategies that have improved my game, and I cover three important topics: draws, position, and multi-way pots. If you wish, you can start reading at Chapter 1, […]

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One Year of Great Poker Results – The Meta-game and Conclusions
April 25, 2024 6 min read

One Year of Great Poker Results – The Meta-game and Conclusions

This is the final chapter of the e-book. It covers important meta-game improvements I’ve made, including a concept that may be the single most important idea in this document. This chapter also wraps a bow […]

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One Year of Great Poker Results – Board Texture and Bet Sizing
April 25, 2024 11 min read

One Year of Great Poker Results – Board Texture and Bet Sizing

This chapter continues my discussion about specific poker strategies that have helped me, including board texture and bet sizing. If you wish, you can start reading at Chapter 1, or download the entire e-book  as […]

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One Year of Great Poker Results – Aggression
April 24, 2024 10 min read

One Year of Great Poker Results – Aggression

Here I dive into the nitty-gritty of my new improved strategy. I spend an entire chapter on one vital topic: aggression – both using it, and facing it. If you wish, you can start reading […]

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One Year of Great Poker Results – Introduction
April 24, 2024 7 min read

One Year of Great Poker Results – Introduction

Welcome to my e-book, “One Year of Great Poker Results.” This document describes my journey to becoming a winning live $5/10 no-limit hold’em player. The entire e-book is over 9,000 words, so PokerCoaching is serializing […]

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One Year of Great Poker Results – Overview
April 24, 2024 7 min read

One Year of Great Poker Results – Overview

In this chapter, I give an outline of the changes I’ve made over the past three years, and how they’ve helped me. If you wish, you can start reading at Chapter 1, or download the […]

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Cash Game Poker Hand Review: It matters how you get broke
February 13, 2024 8 min read

Cash Game Poker Hand Review: It matters how you get broke

This is a hand I played in a $3/$5 NLHE game that has a mandatory $10 straddle. It had some interesting features that made me bring it to the PokerCoaching Discord group.  Preflop Action – […]

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A River Value Bet Decision with King-Ten Offsuit
January 1, 2024 12 min read

A River Value Bet Decision with King-Ten Offsuit

I’ve got another hand that came from the PokerCoaching cash game Discord channel. But in this case, it was one of my hands. Here’s a link to the entire discussion if you want to dive […]

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How to Play Ace-Queen Offsuit poorly, and then well!
December 22, 2023 7 min read

How to Play Ace-Queen Offsuit poorly, and then well!

Sometimes, it seems that the Universe is determined for me to find growth edges in my life. Day before yesterday was one of those.  First, playing ace-queen offsuit wrong We had just gotten the afternoon […]

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Cash Game Strategy: Pocket Kings in a Post-Flop Pickle
November 24, 2023 6 min read

Cash Game Strategy: Pocket Kings in a Post-Flop Pickle

Here’s another hand from the PokerCoaching Discord. Our hero, Matt, is in a $5/$5 no-limit hold’em cash game in the Los Angeles area, and is delighted to find K♥K♦UTG7 (traditionally called “UTG+1” – there are […]

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Five Sixth Street Mistakes You’re Making
October 26, 2023 10 min read

Five Sixth Street Mistakes You’re Making

“Hold it, Lee – how can I make a mistake on a street that doesn’t even exist?” Au contraire, my poker buddy. Firstly, ever since there has been seven-card stud, there have been sixth (and […]

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Bluff Catching in Poker: You don’t have to call “sometimes”
October 3, 2023 10 min read

Bluff Catching in Poker: You don’t have to call “sometimes”

Here’s another great topic gleaned from the PokerCoaching Discord server. It started innocently enough with a hand from a regular poster named Kevin. Here’s a link to the entire thread if you want it, but […]

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Bad Beats In Poker: Leave Negative Results Behind
September 26, 2023 8 min read

Bad Beats In Poker: Leave Negative Results Behind

This is the first of many articles that will draw from the PokerCoaching Discord server.  If you haven’t spent any time there, I encourage you to come visit us. There are a lot of cool […]

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Three Tips to Crush Double Board PLO Bomb Pots – Part 2
September 19, 2023 10 min read

Three Tips to Crush Double Board PLO Bomb Pots – Part 2

In the first half of this two-part series, I talked about the joys and dangers of Double Board PLO Bomb Pots (“DBPLOBP”). One of the reasons I broke this into two parts was so that […]

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Three Tips to Crush Double Board PLO Bomb Pots – Part 1
September 8, 2023 7 min read

Three Tips to Crush Double Board PLO Bomb Pots – Part 1

Vanilla ice cream is a fine thing. Why, some people go their whole lives choosing that flavor at every opportunity, despite dozens – perhaps hundreds – of other options.  I presume the subset of vanilla-lovers […]

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Three Ways to Punish Wide Preflop Ranges – Part 2
August 12, 2023 7 min read

Three Ways to Punish Wide Preflop Ranges – Part 2

In the first installment of Three Ways to Punish Wide Preflop Ranges, we discussed how poker players see too many flops, and began to review how to exploit that mistake. I said that one thing […]

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Three Ways to Punish Wide Preflop Ranges – Part One
August 7, 2023 8 min read

Three Ways to Punish Wide Preflop Ranges – Part One

It’s no secret that most poker players play too many hands preflop. In fact, you probably play too many hands preflop. There are great treatment programs for this ailment, but this is not one of […]

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Cash Game Tips: Three Signs That You’re Ready To Move Up Stakes
July 13, 2023 10 min read

Cash Game Tips: Three Signs That You’re Ready To Move Up Stakes

It’s the rare poker player who doesn’t dream of moving up to the next bigger cash game. More zeros in the pot sizes, more excitement, the opportunity to boost your bankroll. Just to amplify the […]

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Suited Connectors: 3 Myths and 3 Truths To Remember
June 29, 2023 12 min read

Suited Connectors: 3 Myths and 3 Truths To Remember

It seems like everybody loves suited connectors. I guess they look pretty, the 8♥ snuggled up to its neighbor, the 7♥. Legendary poker vlogger Ethan “Rampage” Yau loves T♦-9♦ because it’s a natural in baccarat. […]

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How to Play Overpairs Out-of-Position in Cash Games
June 17, 2023 10 min read

How to Play Overpairs Out-of-Position in Cash Games

Like most things in life, even a seemingly simple poker question can require dramatic refining and nuance before anybody can provide a useful answer. Thus, “How should I play an overpair, out-of-position (“OP”) in cash […]

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