Exploitative strategy

How to Adjust to Your Poker Home Games and Win More Often
Beating a high-stakes poker player takes a balanced approach, an understanding of advanced GTO poker concepts of the game, and a lot of dedication and effort. Beating players in poker home games, however, takes a […]

The Most Exploitative Line Ever
Let’s put you in a situation: You are on the button with A-Qo. It’s folded around to you in a $100 buy-in tournament in your local casino. You raise. Dustin Richards is in the big […]

How to Deal With Bad Players in No-Limit Hold’em
Your bankroll has you cornered into playing small-stakes games with some pretty shoddy players. You want to develop your game, but that’s hard to do when you’re surrounded by mice and fish. It’s even harder […]

The Reason Why You are Running Bad
“My biggest problem lately is how bad I’ve been running.” “You’re not running bad. You’re playing bad,” I say, as I peel through their statistics. As you can imagine, this conversation doesn’t always go swimmingly. […]

Dealing with Donk Bets
One of the most perplexing situations you will find yourself in occurs when your opponent bets into you after you were the aggressor on the previous betting round. This play is referred to as a […]