Top 10 Online Poker Tips You Should Know

Top 10 Online Poker Tips You Should Know

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While the poker rules don’t change between online and live poker, the two games are significantly different in terms of game flow, and live poker players often struggle when playing online.

If you have spent years playing live poker but haven’t had much experience with online poker, we are bringing you the top 10 online poker tips that will help you do better in the virtual felt.

Even if you have plenty of experience playing online poker, these tips might help you significantly improve your win rate and play more comfortably in your next session. 

Tip #1 – Don’t Limp Into Pots

Perhaps the biggest difference between live and online cash games is that limping is often a big part of live games, while it’s almost non-existent in online games. 

Playing in live cash games and tournaments, you will see players limping (just calling the big blind) quite often before the flop.

In online games, such a play is reserved only for bad players (often called fish), and you should never employ it as part of your game. 

Anytime you want to enter the top, and you are first to act, you should do so by raising, which gives you a chance to win the pot outright, eliminate players with weak hands, and take the betting lead that can be used on later betting streets. 

Online Poker Tips - Don't Limp in poker

The only time it is OK to limp is when there are already limpers in the pot, as there are some hands you can profitably limp along in position. 

Additionally, you may sometimes want to limp from the small blind as you are getting a significant discount, especially if the big blind is not a very aggressive player. 

Yet, as a general rule of thumb, you should enter most pots as the aggressor and almost never limp into the pot if no one has done so before you. 

Tip #2 – Be Mindful of Position

Online poker players tend to play tighter and give away less than their live counterparts, which is why you need to be careful not to give away any edges when playing online. 

While it can be reasonable to play somewhat splashy in some live games, doing so online often means you are the only true fish at the table. 

In online poker, you want to be mindful of poker positions and respectful of other players. You simply won’t get away with opening weak hands from UTG or calling UTG raises in the middle position with random suited cards. 

Online poker players will 3-bet wide, apply the squeeze-play, and call the big blind enough to make your life miserable if you don’t play a reasonable poker strategy. 

The basis of a good poker strategy is positional awareness, so make sure to always consider your position before putting any chips into the pot in an online poker game. 

Tip #3 – Don’t Call 3-Bets Out of Position Too Much

A common mistake online poker players make is that they hardly ever fold to 3-bets before the flop, regardless of their position. 

Online Poker Tips - Dont call 3-bets out of position

While it is true that you will often have the right odds to call a 3-bet in position, doing so with too many hands from out of position can be very costly. 

Of course, we are not suggesting folding your premium hands like AA or KK when out of position. However, hands like AJ or 44 simply don’t work very well against a 3-bet in an online poker environment. 

For example, imagine opening 44 from UTG+1 and facing a button 3-bet. Most players’ default play is to call the 3-bet but without a proper plan of action for later streets. 

The fact you have to act first on each street gives your opponent a whole range of advantages they can use to put maximum pressure on you and make it nearly impossible for you to profit. 

Instead of forcing the issue, simply fold these hands most of the time and add some more 4-bet bluffs into your preflop range to compensate for the chips you may be losing when folding to 3-bets. 

A well-timed 4-bet with a hand like A5s will make you more money than a call with AJ or KQ while also putting you in fewer difficult postflop situations. 

Tip #4 – Play Closer to GTO

The term GTO refers to the “game theory optimal” style of play, which is a perfectly balanced poker strategy that poker solvers use when “solving” hands. 

While a human can’t mimic GTO poker, playing a strategy that follows the guidelines of GTO makes a lot of sense in online poker. 

GTO poker strives for balance instead of exploitation, and building a strategy based on the concept of balance is the best way to make sure you do well in online games against any player. 

Since you won’t get to see your opponents or get a good feel for how good they are at poker until you play many hands against them, sticking to a balanced strategy will ensure you are not the one getting exploited. 

This is not to say that there is no room for exploitative play in online poker, but simply that your general strategy should be one focusing on balance, while any deviations should only be made for a good reason. 

Tip #5 – Recognize Player Types

One big advantage of live poker is that you get a lot of information about your opponents very fast, as you can see the way they act, talk, and even dress at the table, all of which can help you make conclusions about their game. 

In online poker, you won’t have access to any of these clues, so you will have to use what you do have at your disposal to categorize your opponents. 

Online Poker Tips - Recognize Player Types

Many online poker sites allow for the use of tracking software, which show you important and incredibly useful poker stats that help you quickly determine which players are loose, aggressive, tight, or passive simply by looking at the numbers. 

Past that, if you focus on the game, you will be able to notice betting and other patterns that will give you some idea about how your opponents play. 

Once you have put a player in a certain category and are sure your reads are on point, you can start making deviations from a balanced strategy when playing against them. 

For instance, if you notice a player making a lot of hero calls and going to showdown at a very high rate, you should reduce your bluff frequency against them, even if the GTO strategy suggests you should be bluffing a lot in a given spot. 

Likewise, if you notice a very tight player who doesn’t like calling second barrels, you should widen your bluffing range against them and press the advantage you have in many hands. 

Tip #6 – Lean Towards Aggression

When given the choice between playing aggressively and playing passively, you should usually lean towards being aggressive in poker

There are definitely situations in poker when a check or a call is the right play, but the best players in the world play aggressively and bet more often than they call. 

This starts with the fact you should be playing aggressively preflop and playing as the original raiser or 3-bettor more often than calling, and continues across all betting streets. 

Taking the aggressive route gives you a chance to win the pot without having to show your cards, which means you can win both when you have the goods and when you don’t. 

If you take the passive approach more often, you will be left at the mercy of the cards and will have to show down a made hand, which can be pretty hard to do in Texas Hold’em Poker.  

Tip #7 – Choose the Right Games

The online poker landscape has changed dramatically over the years and it has become extremely hard to win in some online poker games. 

Online Poker Tips - Choose the Right Games

Even at lower stakes, it can be very hard to win at some online poker sites, making game selection an essential part of a successful online poker strategy. 

You should look to play on sites and in games that have a lot of recreational poker players and few poker professionals, which is easier said than done these days. 

Before you can start winning in poker, and especially online, you have to find players to play against who you can actually beat, so make sure to spend some time shopping around for the best games. 

Once you have found the right site to play at and a level you are comfortable at, put in a lot of volume, keep on studying, and learn how to crush the games you are in on a consistent basis. 

Tip #8 – Have Realistic Expectations

Online poker players often have unrealistic expectations about their win rate and the amount of money they should be winning, which can lead to frustration and disappointment. 

Even the biggest winners in online poker games have limited win rates, and you can’t automatically expect to fall into the category of the biggest winners as soon as you start playing. 

In fact, if you are new to online poker, you can expect to be a losing player for a while and only build up a consistent win rate over time. 

Once you do, your win rate will probably be a few big blinds per 100 hands played in cash games or a 10-30% ROI in poker tournaments. If you can reach these numbers, you are well on your way toward success in online poker. 

Yet, note that these numbers suggest your bankroll will go up slowly and gradually and that you won’t win a million dollars in your first year playing online poker. 

Tip #9 – Get Ready for Bad Beats

One thing you can be sure of is that if you play a lot of online poker, you are going to suffer a lot of bad beats on a daily basis. 

The reason online poker players experience a lot more bad beats than live players is simple: they play a lot more hands of poker every single day. 

Online Poker Tips - Be Ready for Bad Beats

An average online poker grinder plays several tables at the same time and plays hands at a faster pace on each of them than they would in a live poker game, which leads to many times more hands being played in an hour. 

You will experience a lot more bad beats and a lot more lucky breaks when playing online, and you should learn not to worry about the outcome of your hands but rather the decisions you make. 

Bad beats and coolers are an integral part of poker, and you will get a lot of them when playing online, so focus on the things you can affect rather than the cards that roll off once you are already all in. 

In the end, volume cures variance!

Tip #10 – Be Conservative with Your Bankroll

Bankroll management is one of the most essential poker skills that many online poker players lack, which often leads to their ruin. 

Edges in online poker are much smaller, which means even the biggest winners will experience significant losing streaks and variance. 

For that reason, it is essential to have a proper bankroll for the games you are playing, as this is the only way to ensure you can survive downswings and stay in action. 

If you are a tournament player, you should have at least 100 (and probably more) buyins for your average buyin, while cash game players might be able to make do with 40 buyins. 

These numbers are bare minimums, and they only work if you are beating the games for a decent win rate, while break-even players and small winners might need an even bigger bankroll to survive the downswings. 

If you play online poker, it is better to be extra careful with your bankroll than to be too loose with it unless you know you can make another deposit and quickly replenish your bankroll if needed.