Poker Basics

What Is a Kicker in Poker?
September 5, 2024 7 min read

What Is a Kicker in Poker?

How many times have you found yourself playing Texas Hold’em and having the same hand as another player, only to win or lose because of your “kicker.” While it may not be a big thing […]

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What Is Ante in Poker and How It Affects Your Strategy
August 20, 2024 8 min read

What Is Ante in Poker and How It Affects Your Strategy

Poker is a game that does not work without betting, and betting doesn’t really work without someone being forced to put chips into the pot before they look at their cards.  If you think about […]

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Bankrolling Small Stakes: What to Know
September 28, 2021 4 min read

Bankrolling Small Stakes: What to Know

In today’s article, I will discuss how to approach a bankroll for small-stakes Texas Hold’em poker and the things you need to pay attention to. I will also discuss what I would do with a […]

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When To Move Up In Poker and Avoid Costly Mistakes
September 14, 2021 5 min read

When To Move Up In Poker and Avoid Costly Mistakes

A common poker problem faced by many new players is knowing when to play bigger limits. The biggest obstacle to moving up is your ego, saying “you deserve it” and “that you’re better than the […]

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How To NAVIGATE Tough Poker Spots Featuring Poker Vlogger JAMAN BURTON
September 10, 2021 4 min read

How To NAVIGATE Tough Poker Spots Featuring Poker Vlogger JAMAN BURTON

Overview This hand comes from one of the top, most innovative poker vloggers in the industry, Jaman Burton, playing in a live cash game at the Bellagio in Las Vegas, Nevada! In this live cash […]

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How to Multi-Table Online Poker
March 5, 2021 3 min read

How to Multi-Table Online Poker

If you’re looking to increase your bankroll and up your poker game, it may be time to add another table. The more tables you can comfortably master playing, the more you can improve your game […]

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How to Fix Your Red-Line and Win More!
March 5, 2021 4 min read

How to Fix Your Red-Line and Win More!

Having a strong red line isn’t impossible; it just takes a solid understanding of the game to get your red line moving in the right direction without affecting your win rate. What Is The Red-Line? […]

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How to Skyrocket Your Bankroll
March 5, 2021 4 min read

How to Skyrocket Your Bankroll

Get ready to take your game—and your bankroll —to the next level. Growing your bankroll is imperative to financing your climb from rank to pro player. Just avoid the biggest pitfall: racing for the top. […]

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Follow the Action – Build Your Pre-Flop Strategy
March 5, 2021 3 min read

Follow the Action – Build Your Pre-Flop Strategy

Deciding whether or not to play a hand pre-flop isn’t just about the strength of your starting hand. There are other equally important—even more important—factors to consider before you act. One of the most important, […]

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Finding the Perfect Bet Size – How Much To Bet?
March 5, 2021 4 min read

Finding the Perfect Bet Size – How Much To Bet?

What separates a professional poker player from a rookie is understanding bet sizing. Knowing when to bet is not enough—almost everyone knows when to bet; it’s knowing how much that’s the real skill. It puts […]

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Creating a Strong Table Presence
March 5, 2021 5 min read

Creating a Strong Table Presence

Creating A Strong Table Presence Trying to find the right table presence–conservative or aggressive–in live games is an important step to getting you into the cash faster, especially when playing Texas Hold’em. What happens on […]

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Calculating Expected Value – What You Need To Know?
March 5, 2021 4 min read

Calculating Expected Value – What You Need To Know?

Lesson #3: How To Calculate Expected Value Calculating the expected value (EV) is at the heart of every poker decision. Not every poker superstar knows EV equations, but they do grasp the theory. For those […]

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Beginners Guide to Tournament Selection – The Final Part
March 5, 2021 5 min read

Beginners Guide to Tournament Selection – The Final Part

Tournaments are wildly popular because they’re thrilling and offer a massive payout for a small buy-in. To experience the consistent thrill of victory, playing the right format will give you an edge over your competition. […]

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Beginners Guide to Tournament Selection – Make The Best Pick!
March 5, 2021 5 min read

Beginners Guide to Tournament Selection – Make The Best Pick!

Lesson #1: Beginner’s Guide To Tournament Poker Selection (Part 1) Ever wonder why tournament poker is so hyped up and why it gets more airtime over cash games? MTT’s are, without a doubt, the most […]

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Your Continuation Bets Suck
March 5, 2021 6 min read

Your Continuation Bets Suck

Okay, I’ll admit something: It’s possible your continuation bets do not suck. But this is the internet. I’m fighting against videos of puppies playing in a sprinkler. I have no choice but to name my […]

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What To Do When You Are Absolutely Card Dead
November 2, 2020 5 min read

What To Do When You Are Absolutely Card Dead

A question I often get asked by recreational players is how do we build a stack when card dead. This is always one of the weirdest questions for me to answer because I feel that person already knows the answer to this question. The real question should be, “How do we not lose more chips when we are card dead”.

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3 Key Ingredients to Winning NLH Poker Tournaments
November 1, 2020 4 min read

3 Key Ingredients to Winning NLH Poker Tournaments

Tournaments are more dynamic than cash games. They force you into a lot of situations you’d never encounter otherwise, so to play them successfully, you need to be flexible. There’s no denying that luck plays […]

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What Preflop Sizing Should We Use?
December 25, 2019 3 min read

What Preflop Sizing Should We Use?

I simply do not believe that every single preflop raise should be 2X. Or 2.5X. Or 3X. Take your pick. I talk to many pros these days who insist on one single raise size. Do […]

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How to Play Poker in a Nutshell
December 11, 2019 8 min read

How to Play Poker in a Nutshell

“Alex, how do you play poker?” My friend asked me this with a smile while we were on a business call. On my podcast, we have an old joke. Whenever someone asks an extremely broad […]

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Most Reliable Poker Tells
December 9, 2019 3 min read

Most Reliable Poker Tells

Live tells are an interesting topic that is often ignored or misapplied when playing live poker. Some put way too much emphasis on them, while others don’t pay enough attention and miss out on valuable […]

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Who Is Folding High Cards?
November 22, 2019 8 min read

Who Is Folding High Cards?

One of my greatest frustrations with poker training is how overly complex it is. I’m guilty of this as well. If you watch my early training videos, I was needlessly detailed. Like a kid talking […]

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